In Luke 1:28, an Angel and Messenger from GOD came to the young virgin Mary and told her to “rejoice highly favored one…” “…you are blessed among women…”. Today, we hear this phrase “I am blessed and highly favored of the Lord”. It is used in songs and in greetings. But as Christians, do we FOCUS on WHY we are blessed and favored? What does it mean that we are blessed and favored today?
For Mary, the message was that she was favored because she was a faithful Jew, a believer of God who feared Jehovah. It also means, more specifically, that God had chosen her to bear the SON OF GOD. WOW! Talk about Blessed and Favored! But today, God’s word has given us a specific promise, tailor made for us who are IN CHRIST.
Ephesians 1:3 (NKJV)
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,…”
God has made provision, right where you are, right NOW, to bless you in every area of your life, where ever you need it, in a supernatural way! Why am I blessed and favored? Because:
1. God has called us to His Peace and Rest! Matthew 11:28; 1 Corinthians 7:15
2. God has purchased our VICTORY on the Cross!
3. God has given us His Holy Spirit as an Ally!
4. God has allowed us to enjoy His Relational Presence!
5. God has given us His Word. Causing a Holy Book to become more than a Book, but a Living Word from the Lord in REAL Time!
6. God has given us Freedom from the Law! Never again do you have to wonder if you are worthy or good enough, because if you are IN CHRIST, He is good enough! He is worthy!
7. God has Delivered us and will keep on delivering us!
8. God has Blessed and Favored you REGARDLESS of what is going on in your life! Good or bad!
9. God has given you Divine Knowledge. To understand the things of the Spirit and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.
10. We are Blessed to know where the praise belongs.
11. God has given us the blessing of Prayer.
12. God has called us the Church, His Bride.
These are just a few of the promises of God that assure us we are Blessed and Highly favored when we are In Christ!