4 Behold Your God the Weigth of Majesty The God Who is Everywhere

A.W. Tozer:“The tragic results of this spirit are all about us: shallow lives, hollow religious philosophies, the overwhelming element of fun in gospel meetings, the glorification of men, trust in religious externalities, salesmanship methods, and the mistaking of dynamic personality for the power of the Spirit.”

Prayer 31 2020

Prayer 31 – Day 31
Jesus, Yeshua. Our Deliverer, salvation and rescuer! We want to be ready when You come for us Lord. In You, Jesus, embodies all that God is and what the Father desires us to be. We surrender all! All to You our blessed Savior! You are worthy of worship and today we magnify Your sweet and powerful name!
Father, in Your Word you have given us a guide for life and have asked us to meditate on Your Word day and night. Place that desire within our hearts. Give us a sincere hunger for Your Word, that we may know You better and know more clearly how You want us to live. Keep us feeding on Your Word, that we may honor You in all we say and do. (Colossians 3:17)
Your Word instructs in Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”
We pray for those who are lost, or on the edge of backsliding. Father, do whatever it takes to bring them home to You. Please help those who are lost to be saved before it is too late. (2 Peter 3:9 NIV)
Lord, we pray for those who are running for public office again. Guide our nation. Protect Your people. Prepare all things according to Your Word and plan and purpose. We pray that each of these men and women will desire the same. In Jesus name!
We pray today for a Great Awakening and Revival in America and for Your Church. We pray for a consistent devotion to You Father and Your Kingdom Work! We pray for a spiritual alertness; avoiding the pitfalls that would lead us away from You! We pray for growth and maturity as Christians and leaders. Thank You for working in our lives, our family, our church and this nation! Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to You God be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever! (Ephesians 3:20-21) Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 30
KING of kings! Father, we consciously make You King Now! We will honor You, heed Your voice, obey Your commands, watch Your example and Worship You! We will not wait till every knee is made to bow, we willingly and excitedly bow right now to Your majesty! You are worthy of all praise!
O Lord, let us never forget to praise Your holy name. You are a wonderful God. You are slow to anger and patient, with an unconditional love that has no end. Let us bless You each day and lift up our thanks in praise for the wonderful things You have done for us. May we forever give honor to Your name, for without You we are nothing.
“O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall show forth Your praise.” Psalm 51:15
We refuse to be discouraged today. You are the God of all hope. (Psalm 112:7) You have proven Your power by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the dead, and we claim in every way Your victory over all satanic forces against our life, and we reject these forces and rejoice in the Freedom You have provided Lord. Sustain us with Your power! May we remain blameless until You return. (1 Corinthians 1:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:23)
Father bind the people of Grace Family Fellowship together in Love (Colossians 3:14). Help us as a church to be a Hospital for the broken and the sinner. May our ministries accomplish Your purposes. May our facilities be used to glorify You and disciple others. May our decisions be God honoring and the use of our finances be led of You so that we are good stewards. Provide for Your church and add to it daily (Acts 2:47). Protect our church family from this virus and bring us on the other side of this stronger! We pray all these things with Thanksgiving in our heart; in Jesus strong and mighty name! Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 29
Our Great God and Savior, We worship You today! Father, thank You for allowing us to awaken this morning. We approach You first, love You first, and give You our day. You are so worthy of praise! Inhabit our praise today Father and fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Speak to us today Lord and show us Your way. We are Your children and the sheep of Your pasture. Lead us today Lord, we are the remnant that believe in You and follow hard after You!
Lord, our nation needs Your guidance and direction. Give leaders of this nation the wisdom to make decisions that will honor You. We pray fervently for peace both here and abroad. Let us live with reverence for You and with peace in our hearts for our fellow man. May we always remember that You are our God and Savior!
“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” 9 This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance.” 1 Timothy 4:8-9
We pray for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands today. Father bless these areas and sweep over these lands with revival!
Today we pray for those who work in secular job environments. Guard their ears from the profanities, their hearts from toxic attitudes, their bodies from hurt or sickness, their minds from carnal thoughts as they strive to live for You and shine for You in dark places. May they wear the Full Armor of God and be fully prepared in Jesus name!
Prayer 31 – Day 28
Yahweh, the “I AM”, You have always been, You are now and You will always be. Your name God also speaks to us about Your eternal presence with Your people. You are always there to help us, comfort us, guide us, and so much more… Your presence never leaves us, and You will always be with us. That is the greatest comfort we can ever find, and we learn it from Your very name: I AM.
O Lord, strengthen our faith. Help us never to doubt Your Word or Your faithfulness. Lift us up that we may boldly proclaim Your truth each and every day. Let us be sensitive to the leading of Your Spirit and never forget that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Lord, we praise You because Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness is great!
“It is good to give thanks to the Lord, And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, And Your faithfulness every night.” Psalm 92:1-2
We pray for Guam and the Midway Islands. Father bless and protect these areas and sweep over these lands with revival!
We pray for teachers of the word, preachers of the word, mentors and those who will submit to Your command to make disciples. Father, raise up students of the word who will passionately turn around and train, equip, and teach other generations. But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? (Romans 10:14). Father, drive back this pandemic so we can get back on track with many of our ministries we pray. In the great commissioning name of Jesus we pray. Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 27
Yeshua, The Lord our Salvation. Father, this is Your Son’s given name in Luke 1:31. And we Worship Him today as our Savior! You and the Son are One and we worship You today! We glorify You our Savior and Lord! There is nothing more precious than the Good News of Your Coming to us in the flesh! You gave Your life so that we could be restored to Life! Glory to Your righteous Name!
Father, True wisdom is a gift that only You, Father, can give. May we always be in right standing with You. Let the words we speak honor You, and let us never speak Your name in vain. Let us stay steadfast and live in such a way that Your light will shine through us wherever we go. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy and love!
“The godly speak wise words and promote justice.31 The law of their God controls their thinking; their feet do not slip.” Psalm 37:30-31
We pray for Washington, DC and American Samoa. Father bless and protect these areas and sweep over this land with revival!
Today we pray for teachers and administrators of our education system, that they would be positive, God-honoring influences in students’ lives. Father, protect them, strengthen them, and help them rise above the challenges of today’s secular school system. Give them creativity and patience as they teach all kinds of students. And protect them from this virus.
We pray for the Jail & prison ministries. Even though these are on hold during this pandemic, God willing, one day this too shall pass and many of these ministries can continue! Thank you for those Shining Your light in these institutions and bringing hope to the captives as they obey the instructions of Matthew 25 to do this to the least of these, as though we are doing it to You Lord. Protect, anoint and bless those who minister in Jails and prisons. In Jesus Liberating Name we pray. Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 26
Rabboni, the Lord our Teacher (John 20:16). We are at awe of Your complete wisdom and knowledge. You promised to share with us Your wisdom when we ask, and we praise You for Your generosity (James 1:5). Father, You teach us and lead us to truths that set us free. We are Your students and we have the privilege to sit at Your feet. Lord, help us to absorb Your lessons and receive Your teachings with joy! We desire Your Holy Spirit to lead us to Your word and to the mysteries of the Kingdom (Mark 4:11). We worship You Teacher today, in the classroom of life and eternal life!
Father, You are so wonderful. Thank You for caring about our burdens. Open our hearts to your Spirit and let us listen to Your voice. Strengthen us, O God, with confidence in You, that we may live for You and glorify Your name. Father, we praise You for all the gifts that You have given us. Draw us close to You that we may see Your glory.
Your Word encourages us in Psalm 55:22 “Give your burdens to the LORD, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.”
Today we pray for Wisconsin and Wyoming. Father bless and protect these states and sweep over these lands with revival!
We pray that there will be a growing number of people in our town and community trusting in Christ as Savior and Lord…unto salvation. Open eyes and may walls come down so the broken can be made whole in You Lord!
We pray for our sound and media department at Grace Family Fellowship. Bless each one who are helping in this ministry and raise up young and passionate youth with a grasp of technology who can help us further this ministry that becomes ever more critical for a growing church in this day and have been critical during this pandemic. Thank You for bro. Jay Whitaker and his commitment and passion for the sound ministry and his patience to work with the praise team and the pastor. Thank You Jesus for being the head and Lord of Your Church! We praise Your mighty name! Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 25
Alpha & Omega (Revelation 22:13). You are the first of all things and will be the end of anything that has an end. You will always stay constant. You are always first and will decide who is last; You are decisive and the One who is coming soon. Only You know Lord when You will send Your Son to rescue us, but we desire to stand ready for Your return. We worship You: the Beginning and the End!
Lord, there are so many times when we have burdens almost too heavy to bear. Our nation faces hardships and pain; we need Your wisdom and help in all areas. Strengthen us as a people and lead us in the way that will bring honor and glory to You. Lord, You have promised that if we humble ourselves and seek Your face and pray, You will heal our land. May we forever be humble in Your sight, and may we experience Your blessings in the midst of our great need.
Your Word encourages us in Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Today we pray for Washington and West Virginia. Father bless and protect these areas and sweep over these lands with revival!
We pray for Christian business men & women; may their ventures and work flourish with success and blessings. May those who work for them be blessed and may all see the light of Christ by their integrity.
We pray for The Hispanic Grace Family Fellowship church in Robersonville and those abroad. May the harvest be reached by Your drawing power. May people be discipled and leaders and workers be raised up. Give Your people a heart for You that overflows into every part of their lives! Bless every leader, worker, and volunteer that serves Your Kingdom Father! May every Latino, Mexican, Puerto Rican and Spanish speaking soul in the area be brought to Christ and find solace even during this pandemic. In the strong name of Jesus we Pray! Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 24
Father God, our All in all (Colossians 3:11). As we are made new in Christ, You Father become more and more our source, our breath, our purpose, and our hope. You indeed are everything to us who call on Your name. We are the people of God. Your very own Lord. Help us to honor You with our lives. Help us to represent You well so that Your name is glorified and all those around us see that You are All in All!
Father, help our nation with its unbelief! Lead us into a renewed relationship with You! Forgive us when we find fault in our brothers. Help us look beyond their shortcomings and look deeper within ourselves to become better people. Forgive us when we fall short of doing all that You’ve called us to do, and when we fail to demonstrate love and forgiveness toward those who wrong us. Thank You for the blessing of knowing that we are forgiven—no matter what!
Your word says in Mark 11:24-25 “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive your sins.”
We pray for Vermont and Virginia. Father bless and protect these areas and sweep over these lands with revival!
We pray for the sign ministry at Grace Family Fellowship. Thank you for Jeff Barbour’s commitment to place scripture inspired sayings that uplift and minister to hundreds everyday as they drive by our campus. May the power of the Holy Spirit draw people from the North South East and West; as they since Your presence Father, and know there is a place of Hope and a people of promise inside our church. We pray for all these things in the authority of Your mighty name alone! Our Jesus! Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 23
El-olam, the Everlasting God. (Isaiah 40:28, 31) You had no beginning, You will have no end! You are forever present, forever good, forever loving, forever creative, forever Holy, forever worthy of our praise! We could praise You forever and still be in debt to Your Everlasting Greatness! Oh Lord, we Worship You today with a desire to live with You forever. Thank You for giving us Your promise of everlasting life, made possible by Your Son Jesus, whom You gave for us.
Lord, we are so blessed that each day You come to us with the gift of Your Spirit to help us and strengthen our purpose for Your glory. Continue to work in us, O Lord. Thank You for Your continued goodness even when we stumble; thank You that You are ever present to hold our hands and lift us up. Your unconditional love has been promised forever. Thank you for Your gracious mercy to us each day.
1 Chronicles 17:25-27 “O my God, I have been bold enough to pray to You because You have revealed to Your servant that You will build a house for him—a dynasty of kings! 26 For You are God, O Lord. And You have promised these good things to Your servant. 27 And now, it has pleased You to bless the house of Your servant, so that it will continue forever before You. For when You grant a blessing, O Lord, it is an eternal blessing!”
We pray for Texas and Utah. Father bless and protect these states and sweep over these lands with Revival!
We pray for our Greeter and Ushers ministry. I pray that Grace Family Fellowship be the most welcoming place in the region. Where saints and sinners are welcome. Where we are eager to help set the atmosphere where God can speak to lives. Let creativity, kindness, hospitality and love be the first sanitized touch and first impression upon all who pass through our doors. We thank them for sanitizing doors, pews, and door handles and opening doors for us so we can all stay safe during worship. May we all help make this possible. In Jesus anointed Name we pray. Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 22
Jehovah-Eloheka, (Exodus 20:2,5,7), Elohav (Zechariah 14:5); Eloheenu (Psalm 99:5,8,9) The Lord your God, the Lord my God, the Lord our God. Wow! What a beautiful picture of You Father (in names). You are all inclusive. You are for each individual. You are also personal. And You are corporate. You are for all Mankind (1 Timothy 2:4). We thank You for being accessible to all of us, at all times, anytime of the day, morning or night. You are constant! We worship You Father as our all accessible Abba Father, Oh Lord!
Father, we recognize that there are those who would speak evil against You when hardship knocks at their door. Let us forever stand firm in the foundation of our faith. Let us live in the center of Your will. We will come to You each day for strength and endurance. Help us, O God, to be the people You wish us to be, for we trust in You.
Psalm 16:8 “I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.”
Today we pray for South Dakota and Tennessee. Lord bless and protect these states and sweep over these lands with revival!
We draw the blood line around ourselves, our family and our church family today! Hands off satan! You cannot have our homes, marriage, children, grandchildren! Protect them from sickness and disease. They belong to You, Father God, and You are their Salvation!
We pray for Discipleship to take place at Grace Family Fellowship. May we never abandon this work or diminish the call to fulfill this command of our Lord. May we always be Your students Lord and be willing to sit at Your feet. May people grow, mature, become leaders, step out of their comfort zones, and sense Your calling as You call them upward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14) And it’s by the mighty Authority of Your name we Pray our Advocate, Jesus! Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 21
Jehovah-Hoseenu; The Lord our Maker. You are not only our creator, You are a trustworthy God. We place our lives in Your loving & capable hands, and what better hands could we be in? You made us. Now you make us Your family; adopted son’s & daughters. You make us ransomed. You make us free and forgiven. You make us strong and confident in You. You make us a people, Your very own; full of joy and gladness. You make us servants with Your very own anointing and glory. Today, we excitingly declare: we are God made! (Psalm 95:6)
Father, we praise You for Your grace, mercy, and loving-kindness. May we as a nation look to You with thanksgiving in our hearts for the blessings You have poured upon us. Let us forever rest in the shadow of Your wings and shout for joy with praise, for You are a most gracious God, and You bless us even beyond our understanding.
Psalm 63:3-4,7 “Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,
My lips shall praise You. Thus I will bless You while I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name…
Because you have been my help,
Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.”
We Pray for Rhode Island and South Carolina. Lord Bless and protect these areas and sweep over these lands with revival.
Father, touch those who suffer with chronic pain. Pain levels, begin to decrease right now in Jesus name! Heal them, comfort them, drive out arthritic and all inflammatory causes and diseases Lord!
Today, we pray for those in need and the Benevolence ministries of Grace Family fellowship. May our church be blessed so we can be a blessing. May our cupboards be full so we can give to others. May we be cheerful givers and benevolent in our desire to serve and help others in our community. May we have the ability and the heart to meet needs, even during this pandemic; reflecting Your Grace to people all around. (Galatians 6:10) We pray these things in the precious name of Jesus. Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 20
Jehovah- Elyown; the Lord Most High! You deserve endless songs to be sung about Your greatness! You are the only One who holds the melody of our hearts. Our songs of praise are for You and You alone! We lift You up; yet You are already above all, but as we lift You up, it helps us realize how great and mighty You are! You are the King of all the earth! We honor, revere, and worship Your supreme Name. (Psalm 7:17; 47:2; 97:9)
Father, we thank You for hearing our petition. Strengthen us by the Power of Your Spirit to live in such a way that glorifies You. Forgive us when we do things that displease You and separate us from Your presence. Lead us each day, that we might live lives that are pleasing to You. May You forever be praised.
Exodus 15:2 “The Lord is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise Him; My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.”
Today we pray for Oregon and Pennsylvania. Father Bless and protect these states and sweep over these lands with revival!
We pray for a spiritual awakening across the nation, that the Gospel would be communicated across the full spectrum of American society and that people of all ages, races and backgrounds would be drawn to You Christ and receive Your life and salvation and before it’s too late. May the church arise and be ready for Your coming, our Bridegroom. (Matthew 9:15; Revelation 19:7)
We pray for the Stitching sisters and the prayer Shawl ministry. Thank You Father for the personal touch these ladies give and the prayers that have touched lives both spiritually and by proxy all over the world; most recently to nurses & healthcare providers on the frontlines of Covid. May this ministry continue to bring comfort, encouragement and an increased faith to those who touch the prayer Shawls and may You bring the supernatural miracle that each one needs. We pray all of this in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 19
Jehovah-Shammah, The Lord is present. Father, thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us. You are everywhere, but You specifically make Your presence known to Your children. We are thankful to be adopted into Your family and know the benefits of Your presence! We magnify You oh Lord, the God who is there! Glory to Your Name!
Father, You are so wonderful! Through Jesus Christ, we have an open invitation to come to you in prayer. We give thanks for this blessing and each day find joy in all That You give us. What a blessed people we are to know and embrace Your unconditional love.
Praying Your Word in Psalm 25:10 “All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, To all who keep His covenant and His testimonies.” Lord, as we walk in You today, may we walk in Your mercy, it is greatly needed today and may we display it to others, they greatly need it too.
We pray for Ohio and Oklahoma. Bless and protect these states Lord and sweep over these lands with revival!
We pray for the genuine conversion and successful rehabilitation of those who have committed crimes in America. Let the men and women who are incarcerated and imprisoned surrendering their lives to You Lord. And keep them safe from this virus.
Today we Pray for Pastor Manuel and sister Ruth Medina and their family! Bless them with health, strength and protection. Provide for their every need Father. Anoint them for every ministry task that You Lord have called them too. May they and Eddie and Neddie see such continued fruitfulness in their life and ministry And work miracles through them at home and abroad. IN Jesus strong and mighty name we pray! Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 18
Jehovah-Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts! Your servant David used this name when facing Goliath, because he knew that although it looked like he was out numbered, when serving You, the Lord of large groups of warrior angels, saints, and people of faith all over the world, united as one by Your Holy Spirit; we are in the majority! Thank You Father, that growing closer to You, and being aware of Your power and greatness, brings us a peace and more confidence! Glory to Your Mighty Name!
O Lord, we beg You to hear our supplications. Do not let our words fall on deaf ears. Let us come to You each day with hearts full of joy, for You are our Most High God, and everything we have comes from You. Bless us that we might bless others. Let us always look to you for every provision. Let us each be an open vessel filled with Your wisdom, that others might know Your saving grace. May we not leave the crops in the field to ruin, but even during Covid…Let us see a Harvest! Use us Lord we pray! (Psalm 5:1-3)
Today we pray for Martin County and Robersonville and our surrounding region; but also for the state of North Dakota, Bless and protect these areas and sweep over this land with Revival!
We pray today for those battling drug and/or opiate addictions. We rebuke and bind the evil spirits that hold minds and bodies in bondage to these life destroying substances. We call them out as the false gods and evils spirits they are. Father loose those who are in those bonds in Jesus name! And deliver them so they can run to You and see You!
Father, as we gather in Your house this morning for worship, may You meet us there. May we open our ears and our hearts to You so that You can speak. Speak to us through Your anointed ministers; from singing to the Word; bring Life and let being in Your presence impact our lives for the better. As our lives are challenged and changed, anoint us to affect change in those around us this coming week. For the Glory of Your Kingdom we pray and ask all these things, in Jesus name, Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 17
Jehovah Mekaddish-kam, The Lord our sanctifier! Father, You are Powerfully Holy – Mind-blowingly Righteous – and You have required us to be Holy, but we can’t be…so You made a way for us to be sanctified – set apart for You! You gave Your Son to cleanse us and cover us with a powerful and divine life blood. As we surrender to You, we are sanctified! Praise to the Lord, our sanctifier!
O Lord, we lift our voices and praise Your Holy name! May You forever be the center of our thoughts, that in all things we may lift You up in worship and song. Let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our hearts be a sweet aroma to You, (Psalm 19:14) for You are our King—our joy comes from You! Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; therefore, we praise Your holy name forever!
Psalm 104:33-34 “I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the LORD.”
We pray for our great State of North Carolina. Father, bless, provide for and protect our state and let Your Holy Spirit Sweep over this land with Revival! Guide our leaders and bless Your church! From the Coasts to the Mountains, protect from storms, natural disasters, and harmful weather. And drive out this virus Father!
We Pray for candidates for public office, that they would be moved by God to seek what is honorable, just and moral.
We pray for our Choir and Praise team. Bless the music ministry at Grace Family fellowship, Lord. Thank you for those who are faithfully serving. Anoint them as we lead people into worship and into Your presence! May those with such talent continue to serve as a team and work together. Continue to send new talent. IN Jesus name, people who can play instruments and who can sing – they are coming Lord! Add to Your church daily Lord and may our worship throughout the week culminate explosively with hearts and voices Praising You and worshiping You together! Keep us safe! In Jesus worthy name we pray…Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 16
Jehovah-Tsidkenu, the Lord our Righteousness. Thank You Lord for imparting Your righteousness to us through Your Son Jesus Christ. We worship Your Holiness! You are Holy! You are Good All the Time!! It is a pleasure to worship and trust One who is so virtuous as You. There is no one like You. You alone deserve worship! And we freely magnify You Lord!
We bow before You in humble thanksgiving for Your gifts of power and strength, fortitude and might! We claim the riches of Your glory and the fullness of Your grace that come through the indwelling of Your Spirit within us. We pray for our nation to remain firm and steadfast in the knowledge of Your truth and the promise of the victory that is ours through Christ, who loves us. We want You in America again! Forgive us as a nation for straying from You.
Praying Your Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-16 & 19 “When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, 15the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. 16I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.”
We pray for New Mexico and New York. Bless and protect these states and may Your Spirit sweep over these lands with revival.
We pray for those who serve as prosecutors, defenders, judges and Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, that they would be vigilant in service and wise in Judgments.
We pray for our Prayer Teams, our Hope Ministry. Those who set aside their prayer needs often in order to intercede for others. Even as these ministers must keep distance during this pandemic, may they still feel the call to intercede, knowing they will be greatly needed when this precaution is lifted. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit and may spiritual gifts flow freely through them. Guard their minds & may their faith grow everyday! In the Powerful Name of Jesus we pray. Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 15
Emmanuel, Our God who is WITH US! Wow, Father! Thank You for coming to us. We were hopeless to come to You and You came to us! You sent Your Word – in Bodily form – through Jesus, and healed our disease! We were terminal, on death row! And You came at just the right time and brought us to LIFE! You are with us! Glory to Your Name!
Father, may Your love flow through and around us. Speak to our hearts and open our minds that we may see You and the light of Your glory. Cleanse us, O Lord, that we may stand before You without blemish. Help us as a nation to be a discerning people with moral voices who will bring honor and glory to You, O God.
Praying Your word for the saints today in Philippians 1:9 & 10 “I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. 10For I want you to understand what really matters, what is excellent, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.”
Yes Lord, help us be drawn to You more and more! You are excellent in every way!
We pray today for New Hampshire and New Jersey. Father bless and protect these states and may Your Spirit sweep over these lands with revival!
We pray for those who serve as police officers, Firemen/women, state troopers, Sheriffs, EMT workers, and all first responders and their families. Father bless, protect and keep well all of them as they serve.
We pray for Missionaries all over the world today. Bless, protect, provide for, anoint them, and bring forth a harvest for their labor! Use them to bring Nations to You Father! We pray for sis. Cathy Smith and the Mission’s Board of our church. Even though we cannot fund raise during this pandemic, help the missionaries not to suffer…provide Lord we pray. In Jesus Strong and famed Name! Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 14
Jehovah-Rohi, The Lord my Shepherd. I rejoice in Your oversight of our lives. Thank You Lord for watching over us, guiding us, and leading us to green pastures of peace. We rejoice that You restore our souls to righteousness through Your Son Jesus. Our cup can truly run over with blessings (Psalm 23); for You have provided everything we need for life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3) Glory to Your name!
Father, we humbly come before You and ask that your Spirit reach across the lands to all who are hurting and spiritually lost. Restore their hearts with hope everlasting; comfort them with Your tender, loving arms. May we be sensitive to their needs, whether physical or spiritual, and be eager and willing to share Your love for them, just as You have bestowed Your love upon us.
Colossians 1:3-4 “We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of your love for all the saints.”
Today we pray for the household of faith everywhere. Oh, our Shepherd, please guide believers in Christ through troubled times, around temptations, and into battle against the enemy of our soul. We pray for victory for Your children! We pray for strength for Your ministers. We pray for unity and love for all the saints. Bless us and enlarge our territory for Your Glory Lord!
Today we pray for Nebraska and Nevada. Bless and protect these states and sweep over these lands with revival!
Prayer 31 – Day 13
El-Shaddli, our all sufficient God of the Mountain! You are The Almighty and the source of all blessings! We have no problems bigger than You. We worship You today as the keeper of our souls. The trustworthy One! We Praise You today Lord and laud all glory to Your Name. Just as You confirmed Your covenant with Abraham, You have confirmed ours with Your own Holy Spirit dwelling in us. (Ephesians 1:14)
Father, we direct our praise and adoration to You all through-out the day and night! May we never forget that You are merciful and gracious, and that You, our Creator, receive our devotion and prayers with an attentive, listening ear. Give us eyes to see the splendor of Your holiness and ears to hear the majesty of Your voice as You lead us to holy and righteous living.
Your word says in Psalm 55:17, “Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice.”
Lord, help us to constantly be reminded that You are here and that we need to pay attention to You more than the world. With this, we can be vigilant until You return.
Today we pray for Missouri and Montana. Father Bless these states and sweep over these lands with revival!
We pray for the safety of those who live in our community—specifically safety from conflict, accidents and crimes. (Psalm 122:7).
We Pray for our Men of the church and Men’s ministry. Father stir inside of our men a love for You that grows…without limit. Give them courage and integrity with purity and power! Help us be the example to the younger generation & love our wives as Christ loves the Church. Help us love our children enough to tell them God’s Word without fail. May we as men echo the call: “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15) Raise up much needed leaders in our church among men! IN Jesus strong name we ask and pray. Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 12
Adonai, my Great LORD, you are majestic and have total authority and power. We submit to You, we submit our day to You, we submit our decisions to Your perfect will today; we submit our all. I bow my every whim to Your Truth God. I relinquish my rights that I may hold tight to You; may You be glorified! Praise Your Name!
Lord, You are the Rock and Strength of this nation. You are the only One who can deliver us from our enemies. We trust in You and pray humbly for Your guidance and direction for this great nation. Give us wisdom to make the right choices. Help us live in such a way that Your name will be honored in all things. May You forever be praised!
Praying Your word in Psalm 18:2-3 “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold, I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies.”
Today we pray for Minnesota and Mississippi. Lord Bless and Protect these States and sweep over these lands with revival!
I pray for those who suffer from any form of anxiety or depression today. Father heal them, encourage them and repair the paths that have led them there. (Philippians 4:8)
I will not be afraid today because You Lord go before me and never leave me! (Deuteronomy 31:8)
We pray for our Girls Ministry on Wednesday nights. I pray for an anointing on those that teach and Lord, send us more teachers so that when this pandemic is over, we can return to showing our young girls Christ in creative and life changing ways. May they grow and mature to become young ladies of faith, always trusting in You Lord. Let our church make that eternal difference! We pray all these things in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 11
Jehovah-Shalom, “The Lord is Peace”, You alone Father can give us the peace that surpasses all of our understanding. When men in Your Word, like Gideon, faced insurmountable odds, and there was nothing about the situation that was “peaceful”, You showed up strong on their behalf. You always showed up to bring deliverance out of a fear-filled day. We join Gideon today in building an altar of Praise and worship You as Jehovah-Shalom! You alone can bring peace even in the midst of greatest darkness! Glory to Your Name!
Thank You, Lord, for the gift of Your Spirit, who continually helps us overcome our weaknesses. We confess that all things are possible through You and nothing is possible without You! Open our hearts and intercede with the Father that we may humble ourselves in Your presence. We thank You for Your forgiveness. Strengthen us to live with purpose and empower us to serve You.
Your Word says in Romans 8:26 that Your “Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”
Today we pray for Massachusetts and Michigan. Father bless and protect these states and sweep over these lands with revival!
We Pray for Your Kingdom to come and Your will to be done in my life and my family! (Matthew 6:10)
We pray for the Sunday Morning Worship services at Grace Family Fellowship. Move mightily in our midst Lord and may Your Word go forth with clarity and power! Work in transformative ways in the hearts and minds of all who attend or watch online. May people be healed in Body and Soul. May people be edified, encouraged, uplifted and equipped to Live this Life for You victoriously! It is in Your Mighty Name Jesus we ask all these things! – Amen!
(Hebrews 10:25; James 5:14-15; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Ephesians 4:12)
Prayer 31 – Day 10
Father God who provided our Redeemer! You ransomed us from sin and death. You alone payed the very high price to perform this ultimate miracle. It was impossible, yet Lord, You did it for us! We can never repay the debt we owe for Your Loving Ransom through Your Son Jesus! Praise Your Name Father!
Your word says in Isaiah 35:10 “Those who have been ransomed by the Lord will return. They will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting joy.
Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness.”
We receive that Joy today; the joy that sustains our faith, knowing we will live eternally with You! Nothing can take that away!
Father, the joy of the Lord is our strength; therefore, let us rejoice as a nation and as a people who have been blessed beyond all that we could ask or conceive. Let us pray each day for Your divine guidance, O Lord, and never forget Your benefits. Thank You, Lord, that You welcome us to Your throne of grace to receive Your blessings.
Today we pray for Iowa and Kansas. Bless and protect these States and may the Holy Spirit sweep through these lands with revival!
We pray for soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen/women and guardsmen/women of our Armed Forces. Bless them and their families with strength and protection!
We Pray for our Royal Ranger boys ministry. Bless our leaders and help us find more men and women who are willing to work with young boys, so that when this pandemic is over, creative teachings and life skills will lead them to know You God and grow in You Lord! This we pray in the Strong name of Jesus our shield and protector! Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 9
Jehovah-Rapha, Healer, the Lord who heals us. We worship You today. We give our lives to You today. We lean on You today. We depend on You today! All things are possible with You. We praise Your wonderful Name!
Bring healing Father to our land. Drive out this virus. Even while living in a fallen world, Your people are calling out to You Lord! You are the answer. Heal those who are sick with the virus. Heal those in our church with pain, disease, sickness, depression, anxiety, and all forms of physical struggles. Heal relationships. Heal emotions. And most importantly, for the lost Lord Jesus, Heal the soul we pray.
Father, Your Word says that if we delight ourselves in You, You will give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4). Please direct our paths in Your ways everlasting so that Your will becomes our desire, so that Your way becomes our delight. Fill us with the power of Your presence and bind us together as a people of one nation under God. And through each day, to you be the glory for all goodness and blessings that come our way.
Today we pray for Maine and Maryland. Bless, protect and provide for these States and may the Holy Spirit sweep over these lands with revival!
We pray for Our Next Generation Kids Church. God, grant them a hedge of protection of body, soul, mind, and spirit; especially as they face going back to school. Place in them a respect for You, a zeal for You, a love for You and Your house and a Faith to always believe in You. And as this pandemic passes, and kids return to church, help our Children’s church grow and attract young families Father, that Your house may be full. (Mark 10:14) In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 8
Jehovah-Nissi, The Lord my Banner – You are our protector, overseer, deliverer, miracle worker, and sovereign God. Your leadership guides, directs, and counsels us. We worship You today as our covering. You divinely direct us to victory. Like Moses keeping his hands raised declaring You as the One who brings triumph; we surrender to Your Lordship Father. Praising You as our fount in a dry land!
Father, give Your guidance and strength as we honestly confess our sins to you and to one another. And give us compassionate hearts as we pray for each other and our leaders across the country and the world. Rid us of judgment, condemnation, and pride, and fill us with a spirit of grace, mercy and love. Create in our hearts a fervent desire to pray every day for Your leadership to reign in our lives. Prepare us and may we be ready for Your coming!
Your word says in James 5:16 “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
Today we pray for Kentucky and Louisiana. Father Bless and protect these States and sweep over these lands with Revival! We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). May America and its leaders honor and defend Your Holy land and may we continue to be blessed.
Today we pray for our teenagers and Next Level Youth ministry. Bless and protect them as they face going back to school during this pandemic. May a revival birth, even in our young people…opening eyes and hearts to Your reality and power! Even in a dark day, let Your light shine brighter, exposing the Anti-Christ, anti-God deceptions all around them! It is in the precious and protective name of Jesus we Pray. Amen.
Prayer 31 – Day 7
Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord will Provide. You are the provider of beats that allow blood to flow throughout our bodies, air to go through our lungs, and energy for our muscles to move and brain to function. You are the Provider of water and You make vegetation grow. You gave mankind the mind to create and produce. You are the provider of all and we Glorify Your name in acknowledgment today!
Lord, we the people have become self-absorbed and busy with activities that bring temporal value. Help us turn our hearts back to You and Your Word so that we and our nation will bear the fruit of righteousness and be set above all other nations! Strengthen us with the power of Your Spirit in our inner being as we strive to abide in You and to continue in Faith that You will do more for us than we could ever imagine.
You said Lord, in John 15:7 & 8: “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples”.
Today we prayer for Illinois and Indiana; Father, bless and protect these states and sweep over these lands with revival!
We pray for all our Representatives and Senators who serve in the U.S. Congress, that they will govern with God-honoring discernment and preserve the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.
We pray for our Senior Adults and our spirited saints and golden saints ministry. Even during this pandemic where gatherings are on hold. May we as a church continue to call them, show love to them, pray for them, and appreciate their years of commitment. (Psalms 92:14). We honor their sacrifice and kingdom work that has paved the way for us to continue ministry in our beautiful church. Bless them in Jesus name we pray and ask all these things! Amen.
Prayer 31 – Day 6
El Shaddai, our mighty God. You loved the world so much You gave Your only Son so we would not have to die in our sins lost and hopeless; but instead know the blessing and promise of everlasting life. (John 3:16) You have told us to not allow our hearts be troubled, that we believe in the Father, believe also in You Jesus; that You will come back to receive us into Your Kingdom. (John 14:1-3) We long for that day. We look forward to being with You! I can only imagine!
Lord, You have commanded us to make disciples of all nations—may we begin within our own hearts! You are the way, the truth, and the life, and we thank You for Your promise to be with us always. Give us sincerity of heart and unfailing courage to spread this good news, whether with our neighbors across the street or with lost souls across the world. We trust in You to work through us—without You, we can do nothing! (John 15:5)
Today we pray for Hawaii and Idaho. Father, bless and protect these areas and sweep over them with revival!
We pray for President Donald J. Trump and Vise President Mike Pence, that their hearts would be guided by God, that their decisions would be wise and that their leadership would be principled. (1 Timothy 2:2) May them and their families be well and protected. Touch our president and may he make a full recovery.
We pray for our church facilities. Protect and provide for the beautiful campus that You Father have provided through the hard work and vision of those who have gone before us! Protect it from evil, from Virus, from weather, from fire, and from any harm! Help us to repair and maintain what You Lord have blessed us with. May we always be willing to use it for Your purpose and Your Kingdom Work! May Your house be a soul saving station, a Hospital for healing and a training ground for disciples! May people from all over this region find this House of Worship to be a place they can seek Your face, in freedom and experience Your powerful presence!
In Your Strong and mighty Name Jesus, we ask all these things! Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 5
El Roi – The God who sees” – I love Your grace, kindness and care! How You see our failures, yet love unconditionally anyway. I love that you chase after us and draw us to Yourself. You truly love me. Thank You Father.
I pray that I can love myself, not in an unhealthy, selfish, worldly way. But in a healthy, “love others as you love yourself” kind of way. Help me to see that You have touched my life and You see everything! I can trust You with me. So today, we thank You Father for helping us Love. We want our love to stay strong so we are ready when Christ returns.
Father, we know that Your heart’s desire for us is to be at peace with You and with those around us. Place within our hearts the desire to live for You and to listen to the leading of Your Spirit. Let us diligently search for You. Open our eyes that we might see what is good, honorable and just for the well-being of all people.
You God, have said in Your word Lord in Jeremiah 29:11-13 “I know the thoughts that I think toward you, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”
Today we pray for Florida and Georgia. Lord Bless and protect these states and may Your Spirit sweep over these lands with revival!
Today we pray for Unity in our Church, Grace Family Fellowship. May we be a church that Glorifies You Father, not our enemy. Disunity and division allows satan to thrive; we rebuke him in Jesus Name!! We rejoice in knowing You Father and allowing our desire to pursue Christ, keep us unified… Doing what please You today. In Jesus mighty Name: Amen! (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Prayer 31 – Day 4
El Elyon – Our God Most High! You are high above all! You are bigger than any problem we might come up against in life. You are greater than any force of darkness in this world. You are in control! “I will praise the LORD according to His righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.” Psalm 7:17
Father. Humble our hearts today so that we will hear Your voice. Help us as a nation to obey Your voice in all that we say and do. Continue to bless us, O Lord, and give us a compassionate and giving heart toward those around us. Hold us to a higher calling, that we will carefully observe Your commandments and be a “nation under God with liberty and justice for all”. (Deuteronomy 28:1-3)
Draw the Broken to Yourself Lord. Save the lost we pray. May people see Jesus in us and Your church so that lives can be made Whole. We know that You are the answer! You bring clarity to the impeded, joy to the sorrowful, Power to the weak, healing to the sick, and forgiveness to the sinner! You are the One who makes us Whole!
Today, we pray for Connecticut and Delaware. Father, bless and protect these States and may Your Spirit sweep through these lands with revival!
We pray for our church secretary and office manager: Elaine Stalls. Father bless her and her family with health, strength and encouragement. As she has many responsibilities for our church, anoint her and help her. As she prays with people over the phone and ministers to others, send out blessings and answers. Be with and provide for her family! In Jesus’s powerful name we ask all these things – Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 3
Yahweh, our Lord! The I Am. We worship You today as the Divine over all things. We submit our day to You Yahweh; You have complete authority. Your covenant with us is one of Grace, Favor and Blessings; we long to live under Your great canopy of love for us. Praise Your Amazing Name!
Father, The worries of each day are ever around us. Conflict, both within and without, threatens the peace we so desperately want and seek. Father, we come to You with open hearts, seeking Your guidance and being content with all that You have given us as a people and nation. Guard our hearts, O Lord, so that we will be faithful to You, and let the peace of Your presence surround us each and every day.
Your word says: Philippians 4:6 & 7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
We ask that You heal those battling sickness today. We pray for President Trump and the First Lady Melania and any and all his staff that have test positive for Covid. Heal, strengthen and deliver them Lord. Help this season of Virus to end Father, in Jesus name!
Today we pray for the States of California and Colorado. Father open the eyes of those in these states and sweep over these lands with revival!
We pray for our Pastor’s wife and first lady of GFF: Christy Bryan. May she have a fresh season of spiritual renewal and joy. May she grow as a woman of faith and discernment while ministering to others. Use her and anoint her in mighty ways. Bring healing to her body. Continue to build within her the leadership she needs to fulfill Your purposes. Thank You Father for her! And it is in Jesus precious name we pray these things…Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 2
Father, Elohim God! Supreme and All Powerful! Trustworthy and true! We Praise You as the God of Heaven and earth! There is nothing You cannot do!
Prepare us Father. Even in our weaknesses, prepare us so that we may remain blameless until You return. (1 Thessalonians 5:23, 1 Corinthians 1:8). We see the signs of the season; we hear the winds of the Anti-christ in the air; we feel the results of hearts and lives distant from You! But we believe that You can awaken our land!
Lord, You have asked us to call to You, with the promise that You will answer when we do. We humbly seek Your guidance for our nation. Give us wisdom so that we will be a people filled with Your presence and guided by Your Holy Spirit. Help us, O Lord, to honor You in word and deed, that we as a people will have Your blessing and favor. Do great things Lord, even things we don’t know!
Your word says in Jeremiah 33:3 – “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”
Today, we pray for Arizona and Arkansas. Father, bless and protect these states and may revival sweep through these lands! Be with Wayne, Jessica, Josh and Brittany as they serve You in ministry in Surprise Arizona…May Your church thrive!
Today, we pray for the Official Board of our Church; bro. Danny Smith, Jack Nicholson, Danny Stalls, and Bubba Smith. May these men walk with You in confidence, health and ever strengthened faith! Guide them in the ways of integrity and wisdom. Anoint them and bless their families Lord. Use them in ministry and may their lives be guided by a servant’s heart in You. Set them on fire for You, Father and may their example encourage those all around them. In the Sovereign name of Elohim we pray all these things, Amen!
Prayer 31 – Day 1
Abba-Father, we Praise You and worship You today! You are bigger, larger, smarter, more powerful, merciful, showing Love and Grace to all! There is no one like You!
Father, We seek Your sovereign blessing on our nation. Forgive us for our shortcomings and for the times when we have failed You. Draw us back to Your love and strengthen us as a nation to serve and honor You in all that we do. May we forever be faithful to the calling that You have given us. We respectfully and humbly give thanks for Your continued blessing.
Your Word says: 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Today we pray for the states of Alabama and Alaska. May your hand be upon them and may Your Holy Spirit sweep over these lands with revival!
Today, I ask the church to prayer for me as their Pastor. Father, cover me with Your Grace; strengthen me in body, mind and spirit. Cover my family that we may be well and blessed. Help me to grow as a leader, especially during these difficult days. You are the Great shepherd, but as your servant, help me to encourage the saints, preach Your word with anointing, and with Your help and our Grace Family, lead our church into a season of growth again! I need You Father! These are different times. Help me to lead my family and Your church, and be an example in this community to bring You glory! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Pastor’s Blog pg3

Tis the Season to Sing!
I love Christmas Music at Christmas time! But did you know your life can be a song? Jesus’ life certainly was. From birth till His death and Resurrection until now and forever; songs will be sung about His life, His glory, and the difference He made in this world and in our lives! How about your life? It can also be a beautiful melody unto the Lord. Psalms 42:8 says “The LORD decrees His loving devotion by day, and at night His song is with me as a prayer to the God of my life.” Our lives can be a love song to the Lord and a song of praise to our God. God’s gift of life to us through Jesus, the Messiah, should stir us to sing songs of praise and devotion! But not just in form of music. But with our whole lives! Casting Crown’s Mark Hall wrote a song that says: “Let my lifesong sing to You, I wanna sign Your name to the end of this day. Knowing that my heart was true. Let my lifesong sing to You!” We desire our lifesong to be written by the acts of love we do and show toward others. Be kind, respectful, and careful to think of others better than yourself (Philippians 2:3). Build others UP instead of tearing others down with your words. Your lifesong can make others feel good, just like the music you love!
One of our songs we are singing in the Christmas Cantata is titled “Speak Oh Lord”. As we become more like Christ and allow His life to shine through ours; we desire God’s voice to speak through us and sing through us more and more. We desire God’s truth to be planted deep enough inside of us that it dictates our thoughts and actions. So much so that others can see and hear it. May your song this Christmas season be heard by all around you; and may it bring glory to God’s name!

Is it Hard to be Thankful?
Well, it depends upon your perspective. If you are mostly negative and your outlook of the future is pessimistic and bleak…you may find it hard to be thankful. If you focus upon your problems and meditate on them too much, you will find it hard to be thankful. If you get caught up in the trap of “what if” thinking and always fear the worse happening…you will find it hard to be thankful. If you replay bad experiences in your mind or live with a victim mindset…you will find it hard to be thankful. But God’s word challenges us… Psalm 19:14 “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” If we allow our PERSPECTIVE to be governed and shaped by God’s truth and choose to meditate on His promises and the things that please Him…Thanksgiving will come naturally! You can’t help but be thankful when you see the Lord’s hand all around you. That should be the PERSPECTIVE of the Christian believer. God’s word challenges us to be transformed, and He mentions first our minds (Romans 12:2b). And the Lord instructs us in Philippians 2:5 “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus:” Our perspective determines a lot of how our attitude will be, our mood, and how our day goes. It can influence your decision making. Your perspective, if unhealthy, can even become a drag on others; pulling them down with you, instead of doing what God’s word says; “build others up”! (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Now don’t get me wrong, the Lord can understand when we have a bad day and our mood is not the best. He can sympathize with our weaknesses. But let us all strive daily to steer our minds toward a perspective that is guided by God’s truth, not just by the situations of life. And when we do, we will be a thankful people, a healthier people, building others up and glorifying the name of the Lord.
Understanding the Antichrist “spirit”
Many believe that the “spirit of Antichrist”, that John spoke of in his Epistle (1 John 4:1-3 & 2 John 1:7), is somehow an evil opposite of the Holy Spirit. This is not true. Remember, the devil is just a fallen angel. The devil is not all powerful nor is he omnipresent (everywhere at once). At the very best, satan and his devils (millions of fallen angels), work on people to spread their lies and deceptions. John uses the example in 1 & 2nd John, of people who were saying that Jesus was not God in the flesh (bodily form). John said that such people were deceived and that this was the “spirit” of the antichrist. In other words, this is a false belief that spreads and creates the wrong “spirit” and attitude in people toward Jesus. The Holy Spirit is a “Person” of the Godhead: He is God and has all the powers of God; can be grieved, sinned against, and lied too. He, the Holy Spirit can teach, comfort and lead to all truths! The antichrist spirit (which is separate from The Antichrist, who will be a man, perfectly possessed by the devil), this spirit is simply the ideas, beliefs and lies that go out into the world that lead people away from belief in Jesus, and who HE really is! This “spirit” (idea and belief) against Jesus is very dangerous and can spread to lead many away from God. The only comparison that could be made between God’s Holy Spirit and satan’s “spirit” is that God’s Spirit works to bring people to Him, where as the “spirit” of antichrist works to spread lies leading people away from God. But the Holy Spirit can work on His own accord and partner or become the ally inside the believer. The “spirit” of antichrist is limited and can only work through the atmosphere of lies through the minds and hearts of people. We the Church, allied with the Holy Spirit, can combat these evil “spirits” by SPEAKING Truth into our society and world and LIVING the LIFE for Jesus! We can be confident in this because God fights for us! And one day EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS that HE is LORD!!! (Philippians 2:10-11; Romans 14:11; Isaiah 45:23)

Hebrews 10:39 (NLT) “But we are not like those who turn away from God to their own destruction. We are the faithful ones, whose souls will be saved.” During this season, we need a strong commitment to God unlike EVER BEFORE! So many in “the church” seem to be backing down from commitment when it is high time to UP OUR COMMITMENT for such a time as this! We have talked recently about how God does not have an “agenda” (an intent to do something); He has a Purpose! God does not intend on doing something, HE DOES IT! Psalm 115:3 “Our God is in Heaven and DOES whatever He pleases.” We need to stop “trying” to get things right or do better and start DOING! God has called you and I for such a time as this for HIS PURPOSE; not to be floundering or lax, but to be more committed, alert, and prayerful! Let us be among the number of believers that anchor our heels in deeper with the LORD instead of turning back. May the Power of the Holy Spirit rise up in us and bring us all closer to God! The purpose for God’s church is to 1. Reach the perishing with the Gospel of Jesus. 2. Teach others God’s word through Discipleship (both with our words and lifestyle). 3. Connect believers with other believers (Biblical fellowship & accountability) and 4. Send (or release) believers into the world to minister and make a difference! And all this for God’s glory, which is worship! So, are you postured and ready to fulfill God’s purpose? Or do you need to make a deeper commitment today? “Forward Momentum!” “Speak Life + Live the Life” “The Love Agenda” God is speaking to us as a church. LORD help us to listen in THIS season.
The Year of the “+”
With Disney+, Paramount+, Apple TV+, and LGBTQIA+…the world is offering a lot of additions that in most cases, are not adding anything good for us as Christians. And many of the things they are trying to add to our hearts and minds are straight from satan and hell! But God offers a Plus that brings GREAT benefits to our lives; both in the now and into eternity! Let’s look at 2 Peter 1:5a-8 “…make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We can’t go wrong adding God’s nature and knowledge of who He is into our lives. Doing so will be the only way to avoid adding worldliness instead of godliness. The pressures to conform only get stronger…and we will be filled with something. But God is calling us to fill our lives with more of Him! Let us heed the call to add more of Him and less of me. John 3:30 “He must increase, but I must decrease.” God’s +
The Wow Factor – A Beginning thought:


Coronavirus News

During this Time Of uncertainty because of the Corona Virus or Covid-19…ChurchES have had to cancel SOME OF OUR meetings because of the potential of spreading this very contagious Virus that has caused a Pandemic in our Nation.
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Pastor’s Blog pg2


Next Generation Kids Church