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Grandparents Sunday Sept12

We are going to have a blast! it is grandparents Sunday, September 12th and we are going to celebrate with the Steadfast Quartet – dress in old fashioned style cloths – take some photos to make a memory of the day and enjoy some great music too!
join us and please invite someone to come along!


Focus Theme 21 22

In Luke 1:28, an Angel and Messenger from GOD came to the young virgin Mary and told her to “rejoice highly favored one…” “…you are blessed among women…”. Today, we hear this phrase “I am blessed and highly favored of the Lord”. It is used in songs and in greetings. But as Christians, do we FOCUS on WHY we are blessed and favored?  What does it mean that we are blessed and favored today?  
For Mary, the message was that she was favored because she was a faithful Jew, a believer of God who feared Jehovah. It also means, more specifically, that God had chosen her to bear the SON OF GOD.  WOW! Talk about Blessed and Favored!  But today, God’s word has given us a specific promise, tailor made for us who are IN CHRIST.
Ephesians 1:3 (NKJV)
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,…” 
God has made provision, right where you are, right NOW, to bless you in every area of your life, where ever you need it, in a supernatural way! Why am I blessed and favored? Because:
   1. God has called us to His Peace and Rest! Matthew 11:28; 1 Corinthians 7:15
   2. God has purchased our VICTORY on the Cross!
   3. God has given us His Holy Spirit as an Ally!  
   4. God has allowed us to enjoy His Relational Presence!
   5. God has given us His Word. Causing a Holy Book to become more than a Book, but a Living Word from the Lord in REAL Time! 
   6. God has given us Freedom from the Law! Never again do you have to wonder if you are worthy or good enough, because if you are IN CHRIST, He is good enough! He is worthy!
   7. God has Delivered us and will keep on delivering us!
   8. God has Blessed and Favored you REGARDLESS of what is going on in your life! Good or bad!
   9. God has given you Divine Knowledge. To understand the things of the Spirit and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.
  10. We are Blessed to know where the praise belongs.
  11. God has given us the blessing of Prayer.
  12. God has called us the Church, His Bride.
These are just a few of the promises of God that assure us we are Blessed and Highly favored when we are In Christ!   


9 Knowing the God of Wrath

Student Sheet Lesson 9 Week 9 Part 1 –>


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8Knowing the Holy&Righteous One

Week 8 Lesson 8: Knowing the Holy & Righteous ONE


7Lesson7God Rules All

Week 7 Lesson 7 Knowing the God Who Rules All
Lesson 7 Student Sheet part 1 ->                         Click on the button
Lesson 7 Student Sheet part 2 ->                         Click on the button
Listen to Lesson 7 Part 1 in the Player Below:
Avoiding God? 
As if that was possible!  But this subject this week in Lesson 7, I feel, is one of the #1 reasons people try to avoid God. They do not want anyone:
1. Telling them what they can and cannot do.
2. Ruling over them.
3. Telling them how to live.
4. Holding them ultimately accountable. (can’t blame someone else)
5. And most revealing of all, they do not want someone downplaying their role.  Isaiah 40:23-25 (Page 139 Day 1)
Like it or NOT…
God rules over all the universe.  He rules over angels, both holy and fallen. He rules over the great and the small people on this planet. He rules over every ethnic group and race. He rules over every empire, nation, and small village. He rules over young and old. He rules over Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Mormons, pagans, and atheists. Every person we have ever read about or met, rich or poor, great or small, is the proper subject of this one king!
Divine Assurance
When you know the King of ALL, you are glad He is the only one who is free to do all His perfect will.
We could wonder, “If God is King over all, why are things the way they are in the earth or in America or in my home etc…” But what we need to realize, is that time is relative to God. Consequences of mankind’s choices are unfolding all the time…some time from decades past. God is not distant, but He is not always rewarding people or nations with His Covenant presence either. But what we can know is…God still works mightily!  HOW? Through His Son Jesus and the Gospel!  Lives can be saved and transformed! We are tempted to look at the present circumstances and “judge” God’s sovereignty. But God’s timeless wisdom goes before our birth and beyond our death…and it always has and always will.  What we should look for is God’s hand working to change lives, still today, with the Power of the Gospel to SAVE – even in the midst of what is going on…HIS SAVING GRACE IS DOING A WORK!

No matter how bad things seem to be around us…God’s work is still happening!  His Gospel is still transforming lives.  His Saving work is still performing miracles even in you!  Don’t judge God’s work by the culture around you. He is on the throne whether our culture acknowledges Him or not!  Whether there is evidence of His rule in our direct view or not, the fact that HE RULES changes not! 
Divine Encounter With the KING of ALL:
Every human created will come to a realization that God is KING over All!  This meeting will either take place through God’s working in the heart and the preaching of the Gospel, or else it will certainly come at the JUDGEMENT! (when every knee will bow and every tongue confess). 


6 Knowing the All Knowing God Lesson 6

Student Sheets Lesson 6 Pt 1
Student Sheets Lesson 6 Pt 2
Listen to or Watch Lesson 6 Part 1 Here:
Click here and then scroll to the bottom of page for Lesson 6.

God is not only deep, wide, high, and boundlessly unlimited: He Knows the entirety of the universe completely…every detail, and does not even have to put forth an effort to keep up with all of it. God can remember how many hairs are on everyone’s head easier than you can remember your own name! 
God knows us FAR better than we know ourselves. This translates into us being able to trust Him with…”us”!  You can trust God with “you” more than you can trust “you” with YOU! 
Judgment Application:
God cannot be taught, debriefed, counseled, informed, instructed, or shown a greater understanding of anything…because He already knows ALL...Completely! So when He judges, it is explicitly fair! He cannot miss understand. He cannot be mislead. He cannot be persuaded to believe a lie. He knows the facts inside and out so clearly that all others that have knowledge look empty compared to His understanding.  .


5 Knowing the Almighty Week/Lesson5 Behold Your God The Weigth of Majesty

Student Sheet part 1 –>
Student Sheet part 2 –>
Beginning Thought:
Do not limit the Power of the Almighty God, by only looking at what you have experienced!  This is idolatry.
God’s power is always present at its fullest! 
When you pray, all prayers are offered in the presence of His omnipotence (All-potency). 
Are there things God cannot do? 
God cannot sin!
God cannot lie or contradict Himself.
God cannot fail in His purposes.
God cannot be tempted nor can he tempt others with sin.
These divine limitations are not an expression of weakness, but are the proof that His power is united to His moral perfection.

That is how God can be both Merciful and Just at the same time.  He contains ALL Power – so He is able to be morally perfect in His judgment, but also has the power and right to provide the answer to His wrath; thus JESUS CHRIST! WOW what a wonderful ALMIGHTY we serve!
Our Sin:
In the Church, our real time sin is living in doubt. Even when we say: God is Almighty, if we are not living as though He is who He says He is, we are living in sin. Who are we to doubt the GOD of the Universe? Who are we to say that He is limited? Who are we to say that He can’t use us to do supernatural and amazing things…despite how we see ourselves?  These “internal” sins can actually be more deadly in the church than the “external” sins we so often love to point out in the world around us.
“Sin is what you do when your heart is not satisfied with God. No one sins out of duty. We sin because it holds out some promise of happiness. That promise enslaves us until we believe that God is more to be desired than life itself (Psalm 63:3). Which means that the power of sin’s promise is broken by the power of God’s.”


4 Behold Your God the Weigth of Majesty The God Who is Everywhere

Lesson 4 Student Sheet.
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Listen to or watch the Lesson 4 part 1&2
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Scroll down to the Bottom of page for latest Lessons.
“The omnipresence of God-a gracious antidote to every earthly sorrow!”
– John MacDuff
“God is over all things, under all things; outside all within but not enclosed; without but not excluded; above but not raised up; below but not depressed; wholly above, presiding; wholly beneath, sustaining; wholly within, filling!”
– Hildebert of Lavardin
First Thoughts:
As we are studying about the presence of God throughout the Scriptures, we are learning that there is an essential presence of God (His required presence EVERYWHERE – that sustains all things etc…)
And there is His relational presence that can be experienced. This is the aspect of His presence that can be “near” or “far”; “closer” or “further away”.
Our sins obviously created a “gulf” or distance between us and the HOLY Father.  But Praise be to the Name of Jesus, the Christ, the Anointed One, we have been brought NEAR to God by Immanuel, (God with us), Jesus Himself; who meditates on our behalf.  This study on God’s presence brings a whole new appreciation for what Jesus did for us on the cross.  He bore more than our sin, guilt and sorrow…He also took down the road closed signs, detour signs, bridge out signs, quarantined signs, the no trespassing signs… and gave us  entrance to the Holy of Holies; where even the Priests of the Old Testament could not enter…but Thanks to our New HIGH PRIEST, Jesus, we are made Priests! Priests who CAN ENTER IN! Glory to His name for FULL ACCESS, in Christ Jesus!
Warning: (Day 3 page 77)
We should not have a “flippant, God-is-my-co-pilot” attitude towards His presence. Nor should we feel “He is near me at church on Sunday, but not so near at work on Monday.”
Powerful Reality:
Only Christians have a living God. Our God is infinite in His location and unlimited in His activity. All Man-made gods are limited. In Paganism, one god was said to be over the mountains, another over the rivers and lakes, yet another controlling just the clouds and storms. This simply shows they are limited by place and environment. But also they are limited by activity. By pure definition, those “gods”, could not have been gods at all. By definition, they could only be fake gods.
From a logical and rational point of view; this also further establishes the point that there can only be ONE GOD. Not hundreds, not thousands, not even 3. There is One True, Holy and Perfect Omnipresent God who has manifested Himself perfectly to be our All in all as Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
God’s “Nearness”:
This is certainly treasured by all true believers. No Christian, in their right mind, could say they do not desire God’s nearness. However, we can develop bad habits over time…even create idols like “a localized god” as is discussed in day 4 of lesson 4. If we find ourselves thinking that God is more present at church than He is at home, at work, at school, or even when we are surfing the web…then we may be guilty of having this idol in our lives. Here is an illustration:
Would a person who looks at pornography at home…
  …Also look at pornography      during a church service?
Why not?  Because the person would be embarrassed…not wanting people or God to know they participated in such a sexually immoral habit.
God does not dwell in dwellings made by human hands… The Bible says He dwells in us as Christians…as Temples of the HOLY Spirit. So the idols keep mounting up…We need to evaluate daily…do I really believe that God is here…right Now?  And is Right NOW always for God?
God is not going to allow us, even as Christians, to enjoy His nearness if we embrace sin.
Where is My Blessings?:
Another sign of this idol could be in an effort to chase down a blessing by church hoping, going to events with popular speakers, or revivals where you heard “God is moving”. If you believe God is equally available to anyone who diligently seeks Him, then we can experience anything that God has to offer directly from Him. We can experience His move at Grace Family Fellowship! We can feel His presence and Healing power anywhere! Although it does help when there are others around us seeking God and praising Him and pressing into His presence; that atmosphere should start with us first. Let’s be personally invested in creating that culture of His closeness…it might just lead to others around us sensing and feeling Him too!
Challenging Quotes:

A.W. Tozer:“The tragic results of this spirit are all about us: shallow lives, hollow religious philosophies, the overwhelming element of fun in gospel meetings, the glorification of men, trust in religious externalities, salesmanship methods, and the mistaking of dynamic personality for the power of the Spirit.”

John Wesley: “It is our honor that we are made capable of His acquaintance [with God], our misery that by sin we have lost it; our privilege that through Christ we may return to it; and our unspeakable advantage to renew and cultivate it.”
John Piper: “If you don’t feel strong desires for the manifestation of the glory of God, it is not because you have drunk deeply and are satisfied. It is because you have nibbled at the table of the world so long. Your soul is so stuffed with small things, and there is no room for the great.”
Personal Application:
After finishing Lesson 4, all 5 days, I am challenged to:
1. evaluate if there are any sin(s) I’ve not repented of.
2. make sure I treasure God’s nearness and not grow accustomed to His being distant.
3. meditate on what sets us, as believers, even as members of Grace Family Fellowship, apart from others. The world, other organizations and groups and even other religious affiliations. As Day 5 proves, it should be the Word of God and God’s nearness and evident activity in our lives and in our church that sets us apart.
We need more than just talk, we need proof!  God proved Himself in the Old Covenant and in the New Covenant…God has not Changed, so God, Please Prove Yourself in our lives, in our homes and in Your Church, I pray for this like the Psalmist did in Psalm 27:4,8 (Page 84). I ask for this and I seek it!