Jan '22

Revival Night Eric Earhart
Jan '22

Our Revival Night with Eric Earhart was powerful and challenging! Pastor Eric challenged us to re-examine our role as “the Church”. In Matthew 16:18-19 Jesus uses the word “Ecclesia”. Pastor Eric said that this word literally means “public square”. Jesus could have used many words. “Congregation” or “religious gathering”; but He didn’t, He used a word that speaks to the Church being effective, only if it goes to the “public square”. Pastor Eric shared that God has not called us to withdraw our effectiveness from the world and hide, but to GO INTO all the world… Art, media, businesses, politics…the “public square” to take this message of hope…this Good News…this Power Gospel of Jesus Christ to where the darkness is! We talked about the “dark ages”, when Christians withdrew from the public and brought their message, their meetings, and their worship, inside buildings, all over America. We are in ANOTHER “Dark Age” today! We need God to give us supernatural boldness to take this message to the Public square! To be the “Ecclesia”…to be the Church…to be Effective!
Rev. Eric Earhart, Pastor, Church planter, Author, and running for Senate?
Check out this clip of Rev. Eric featured on 700 Club.