Prayer 31 2024

Day 15:

Yahweh, The self-existent One. (Genesis 2:4, Isaiah 40:3; 10; 1 Samuel 1:20; Exodus 6:1-4, 3:1-22) You have always existed and will always exist. We Praise You knowing we can always rely on You because You are our eternal source for everything we need. Glory to Your magnificent Holy Name! You deserve all praise!

Today we pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Nebraska and Nevada.

We pray for those who serve as police officers, prosecutors, defenders, judges and Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, that they would be vigilant in service and wise in judgment.

We pray today for all those who work secular jobs. Give them strength and endurance both physically and spiritually. You Father know what kind of atmosphere some have to work in, which can be difficult, but help them Father; not only to endure, but to shine the Light of Jesus Christ and represent Your Grace and mercy.

For Grace Family Fellowship, we pray for sis. Kathy Stalls, our Great Commissions Director and her missions board. Thank You for their service and anointing to keep the ministry of world missions in front of us so that we never forget to pray and support the missionaries on the field. Help our church to continue to raise support and for individuals to maintain their individual commitment to support the various missionaries that are serving all over the world for You. Thank You for protecting them and their families and may they spread Your Gospel so effectively that millions of souls are reached for Your Glory we pray! Save souls, raise up churches and leaders all over the globe! And send an end times revival all over we pray! 

Use us all Father. May we walk in Your will today. We give this day to You and ask for Your strength and favor in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Day 14:

El-Roi, The strong One who sees. (Genesis 16:13) When we feel lonely and abandoned by people, we know that You LORD are with us. You see us and know us. You hear the cry of our heart and You love us more than we can imagine. Our hearts are filled with praise for You El-Roi, our Strong God who sees! Praise Your Mighty name!

Today we pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Missouri and Montana.

Provide for Your people in the household of faith everywhere Lord we pray, in every way they need.  

We pray for the safety of those who live in our communities—safety from conflict and crimes of all kinds. (Psalm 122:7)

For Grace Family Fellowship, we pray for our Ladies of Grace. Bless them with unity and bring their hearts seeking more and more of You Father. Bless every daughter, wife, mom, and grandmother. Bless them with health and vitality. Keep them in peace and from worry and may they find it easy to maintain the disciplines of a sanctified life. Show Your favor upon them and all their family. And bless sis. Cathy Smith and her Ladies of Grace board as You anoint them with creativity to minister to women of all ages. May our church grow with ladies seeking to grow in You Lord and a desire to be used of You Father.

And use us Father. As we begin this new week, help us as we look for opportunities to be a blessing to others and shine Your light. Move us with an urgency that Your coming is soon and time is running out. We desire to do as much as we can to help others come to You Lord. It is Your desire that all come to repentance, so may we share the Gospel and bless others with the confidence that You will fulfill Your promises. (2 Peter 3:9) We pray all these things in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

Day 13:

El-Olam, God everlasting. (Isaiah 40:28-31) God is eternal, while our problems are temporary. Your love will never change. Your promises are true. We will build our lives on You LORD, who is eternal and we will not focus on our temporary situations. You will show us Your great and eternal goodness. Praise Your name everlasting!

Today we pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Minnesota and Mississippi.

We pray for all of our Representatives and Senators who serve in the U.S. Congress, that they will govern with God-honoring discernment and preserve the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. We pray for Your will to be done Lord in those who are seeking election this year.

For Grace Family Fellowship, we pray for our Men’s ministry. May our men be united in a growing desire to seek You Lord more and more. We pray that our church will grow as You send new men and families to our church. We pray for husbands, dads, grandfathers, and single men that You will make them strong, wise, full of integrity and keep them pure. May our men hold on tight to You as they maintain the disciplines of a sanctified life. Help our men rise up to be leaders and lead other men to You Father. Bless Jeff Barber, our men’s ministry director. Continue to give him insight and anointing to lead the men’s ministry to grow, to engage with one another and be a light to others in this day and time. Send us revival LORD!

Use us Father, we know that we are weak and unable to do anything without You. But Your word promises that in our weakness, Your strength is made perfect. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10) So we will rely on You Father for everything we need today and everyday. Praise Your eternal name and thank You for giving us everlasting life through Your Son Jesus!  Amen.

Day 12:

El-Elyon, the Most High God. (Genesis 14:17-20, Deuteronomy 26:19, Isaiah 14:13-14) We do not need to fear the enemy who tries to intimidate us. Knowing that You God, are the Most High and there is none above You. And that Your Son Jesus is exalted high above every name. We cannot praise You enough this morning for the peace and contentment that comes just knowing we belong to You. Praise Your Mighty Name LORD!  

We pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Massachusetts and Michigan.

We pray for Your Kingdom to come and Your will to be done in our life and our families. (Matthew 6:10) And we pray that Your will be done in the upcoming election.

Today, for Grace Family Fellowship, we pray for our children and Next Generation Kids Church. We desire to see more children in our church Father. We love children and we want them to know the truth of Your word. We desire children to be able to worship You, learn about You, learn to pray, trust You for healing and answered prayers. May our church grow and be full of kids and be a training center for the next generation church we pray! And thank You Lord for all those that serve to minister to our children, in Children’s church on Sunday morning and those that minister on Wednesday night. Bless them and anoint them to continue to be used of You Father.

Use us Father. We are Your children and the sheep of Your pasture. (Psalm 100:3) Guide us and anoint us to serve You in every way that we can. May our lives reflect that we belong to You and not ourselves. May we hear Your voice clearly when we read and study Your word. Stire in us a desire to seek You more and let an awakening burst forth in our church and in this nation that will bring revival! We praise You Most High God! Amen!

Day 11:

Elohim, (Gen. 1:1, 17:7, Ps 19:1 Jer. 31:33) God our creator, powerful and mighty, Lord of lords. You are the Lord Most High, stronger and mightier than anyone or anything. When we face impossible circumstances or adversaries, we know that You are stronger Father. We worship Your mighty name! 

Today we pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Maine and Maryland.

We pray for President Biden and Vice-President Harris, and whoever may be the next elected Administration, that their hearts would be guided by You God and that their decisions would be wise and that their leadership would be principled. Help us to be mobilized to vote. To vote as biblically as possible. To vote for LIFE and stand against abortion, which is murder. Help us to vote against the mutilation and sexualization of children in this nation. Protect our freedoms Father as You are the One that lead to a free America.

For Grace Family Fellowship, we pray for our Senior Adults. Bless them with health, strength and longevity. Stabilize each of them and keep them from falls. Thank You for their wisdom and may we honor them. We pray blessings upon their families. Save the lost, reach their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Continue to use them at every stage and age of life. They are such a blessing and we love them. Heal those that need a touch in their bodies and provide for their every need.

We are reminded of our theme verse, for You have saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to Your own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began. 2 Timothy 1:9. Help us to live out our calling today. May we live out the holiness You have enabled us to live. May we always turn away from sin and wickedness so that we honor You Father with our life and choices. We commit to live out Your purposes and to love You with our whole heart. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Day 10:

Jehovah-Sabbaoth, the LORD of Hosts. (Isaiah 6:1-3, 1 Samuel 1:3, 17:45; 2 Samuel 6:2, 7:26-27; 1 Chronicles 11:9; Haggai 1:5) Your word mentions myriads of angels, who wage war against the armies of hell, who try to destroy mankind. We worship You Jesus as the Lord of hosts, the Captain of the armies of heaven. Thank You Father for fighting the spiritual battles for us and with us as we trust in You. Praise Your Mighty name! 

Today we pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Kentucky and Louisiana.

We continue to pray for those in the wake of the storms and for Florida who has been hit today. Protect them and be with them Lord we pray.

We pray for the children and youth of America, that God will grant them protection of body, soul, mind and spirit and fill them with godly desires and true hope. Place godly influences around them and open their eyes to Your truth Father. You are bigger than social media and any outside force that the enemy would use to deceive them. Show Yourself to them and win this generation we pray!

Today we pray for the Teens of Grace Family Fellowship and the S.W.A.G. (Saved With Amazing Grace) Youth ministry. We lift up the youth of Robersonville and the surrounding areas. We pray for the High Schools and colleges around our region. Protect the students on every campus we pray. Draw young people to our church, we desire to see young lives transformed by Your power LORD. Use Christy Bryan and her youth board with creativity and anointing to reach the teens in our area.

Use all of us Father, in the Household of faith, as we put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6), give us the victory over every hinderance that the enemy may use to stop us! We believe You are coming back and times is running out. We must do Your work and be the church. Help us, mobilize us, and give us divine guidance in how we can more effectively fulfill Your purposes and reach the lost. In Jesus powerful name! Amen! 


Day 9:

Jehovah-M’KADDESH, You are to be praised not only because You alone are Holy, but because You alone are able to make Holy Your people. Our Sanctifier!  (Exodus 31:13, Leviticus 20:8; Ezekiel 37:28) Your forgiveness of our sins and Your Holy Spirit that works in our life to transform us to become like You: pure, loving and true. Oh how we need You Father, the Most High! 

Today we pray for the leaders, churches, and Christians of Iowa and Kansas.

We pray for a spiritual awakening across the nation, that the Gospel would be communicated across the full spectrum of American society and that people of all ages, races and backgrounds would be drawn to Christ and receive His life and salvation.

We continue to pray for those in the wake of the storms…protect, save and help all who are in need Father.

For Grace Family Fellowship, we pray for our church facilities and campus. Thank You for the heritage of faith that has allowed us to enjoy such a place for many to come and worship You. May we be good stewards of our campus, allowing it to always be used for ministry. Continue to provide, like You always have so we can maintain it. Thank You for those who have helped construct, repair, add to, and improve any and all aspects of our church buildings. Also protect them from storms, fire, or damage of any kind Lord.

Father use us. May we never be ashamed of You or ashamed to stand up for Your name! Pour a boldness inside of us that is rooted in Your confidence. You remain the only Hope of the world. May we be faithful ambassadors of that hope LORD we pray, in Jesus name. Amen!


Day 8:

Jehovah- Shalom, The LORD is peace. (Judges 6:24) We praise and Worship You Jehovah-Shalom, for whenever there are storms in our life, we can hide in You. As our shelter in the storm, You give peace beyond understanding, even when circumstances are chaotic. You are our shelter and our shield. (Proverbs 30:5, Psalm 46:1) Glory be to Your Mighty Name!

We again pray for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. And all areas of the world that need peace.

Today we pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Illinois and Indiana.

We pray for the candidates for public office, that they would be moved by God to seek what is honorable, just and moral. Open their eyes to Your truth Father.

Concerning Grace Family Fellowship and those in our families, loved ones, church family and community; We pray for the shut-ins, those in nursing homes, rehab, the hospitals, and all those that need a physical touch or a healing of the mind and all that need encouragement today. Minister to those that are lonely or who are hurting down deep inside their soul because of grief. You Lord are our comforter!

Your word says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 “All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. 4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”


So Father use us! Even when we go through difficult times, or when we did go through them in the past, take the strength we gleaned from You and may we turn around and help others who face similar troubles so that we might by a blessing and a source of help in their hour of need. Minister through us Father. In Jesus powerful name we pray. Amen!

Day 7:

Jehovah-Nissi,  The LORD our banner. (Exodus 17:15) We Praise You Lord for giving us the victory in spiritual warfare. When the enemy comes in like a flood, we believe Lord that You raise a banner of Your love over us and covers us. You wage war on our behalf and makes us more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Praise Your mighty name!

We pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Hawaii and Idaho.

We pray for the soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen/women and guards men/women of our Armed Forces. Thank You God for their service and we ask that You bless them with strength and protection. Them and their families.

Father protect those that are in the path of these new storms. Be with all that are in danger in Florida and the surrounding areas and islands.

Today we pray for our Discipleship ministries at Grace Family Fellowship. We recognize how important it is for people to know Your word Lord and to learn and be taught through Christian training how to live for You from cradle to grave. Forgive us as a church when we do not actively pursue or follow-up to help people be trained in Your ways. But we are very thankful for the programs and ministries of our church that effectively model the example You have given us as we aim to present Your word to all ages and the whole family. Thank You for sis. Patty Smith and her leadership and her discipleship ministries board. Thank You Father for using them in mighty ways. Thank You Father for the creativity and guidance You give and will give as we desire to be good stewards of the ministry of Discipleship.

Father use us. We are Your children and we need Your help to fight the darkness, the temptations and the spiritual battles that Your children face each day in this sin cursed world. We lift You up today over all our struggles or adversaries! We declare victory in Jesus’ name as we shall overcome! Thank You for being our Warrior! Glory to Your name, our banner! Amen!  

Day 6:

Jehovah-Rohi, The Lord my shepherd. He cares for us, the way a shepherd tends his sheep. He cares for you and leads you and I to still waters and green pastures. (Psalm 23) We praise You Lord for we know You protect us, guide us, love us and watch over us every day without prejudice. You sovereignly order our steps and we worship Your Holy name! 

We pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Florida and Georgia. Be with those who are rebuilding after the storms and those grieving loss of loved ones.

We pray that the Church will deepen its commitment to prayer and never cease to call upon God. (Psalm 5:3; 55:17, Isaiah 62:6, Luke 18:1) We need You Father more than ever before to help us stand and be the true Church that is in love with You.

Today we pray for our Sunday Morning Services. May our time together at Grace Family Fellowship be 1000% centered upon Your Son Jesus! We desire to worship You in Spirit and in truth. We desire everything that is done and said to be pleasing to You and honor and praise Your name! May our Church and worship services be a house of prayer and faith. We ask that our church be a safe place for sinners so they can find Christ and a headquarters for Christians to be equipped, encouraged, discipled, healed and mobilized for ministry! Anoint our service Father and may Your Holy Spirit have full control! 

Use us Father. Pray through us, touch through our touching, speak through our speaking, love through our loving and serve through our serving. Without You we can do nothing, but with You we can do all things, for You specialize in doing the impossible! With a seed of faith and beyond we pray all these things in the name that is above every name. Jesus. Amen!

Day 5: 

Jehovah-Shammah, the LORD who is present. We praise You today Father because You never leaves us, nor forsake us. He is with you forever. Your best friend, who never betrays you. (Ezekiel 48:35, Genesis 28:15, Ezekiel 48:35, Psalm 23:4, 46:1, 139:7-12, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Amos 5:14) We rejoice that You walk with us constantly, in the easy times and in the difficult and even impossible times! You are there! Glory be unto Your name!

We pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Connecticut and Delaware.

We pray for those who serve as police officers, prosecutors, defenders, judges and Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, that they would be vigilant in service and wise in judgment. 

We pray for our Pastor’s wife and first lady Christy Bryan. LORD bring supernatural healing to her body! Touch her at every level and use her in mighty ways in our church and communities! Bless and protect her and her family. Anoint her for Your Kingdom work and guard her from any and all attacks of the enemy we pray.

Father we pray for the unborn child in America and around the world, one of the most endangered of Your creation! Your word says You know us before we are in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5). Open eyes and hearts to the sin that abortion is and change hearts we pray. We stand in the gap today and repent and ask Your forgiveness on behalf of our nation that has so blindly practiced and justified such barbaric actions.

And Father, use us. May we be salt and light today. Let our very presence make a difference in the lives of others because You are there with us and in us. We will praise You and worship You with our lives dear LORD! And we love You more than anything!  Glory to Your name! Amen.

Day 4: 

Jehovah-Tsidkenu, the Lord our Righteousness. We worship You!  Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD God Almighty! Who is, who was, and who is to come the Almighty! (Revelation 4:8) You are so worthy LORD! 

We pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of California and Colorado.

May the Holy Spirit bring conviction of sin and draw people to faith in Christ (John 16:8).

We pray for the Prime Minister of Israel and the peace of Jerusalem.

We pray for our secretary and office administrator of Grace Family Fellowship, Elaine Stalls. Thank you for her faithful service and ministry. Bless her and her family mightily with health and protection. Use her in mighty ways for Your Kingdom Father and continue to anoint her as she touches lives. Give her wisdom as she serves the needs of our church for Your glory.

We pray for DRUSA, Samaritans Purse and all those who have responded to help those in crisis in the wake of the storms. Comfort all those who have lost loved ones and property. Let the love and charity of Christian people help heal our land.

Use us Father. Forgive us for all our sins. You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) We are spiritually bankrupt of righteousness as ours is like filthy rags, (Isaiah 64:6) but You have provided Your righteousness to us. Help us shine bright with Your light and love. Continue to transform our lives to reflect Your nature and become more like You. In Jesus Holy name we pray.


Day 3:

Jehovah- ROPHE, we worship You as the “LORD who heals” (Exodus 15:26). Thank You Father for caring for us and loving us so much that You offer to heal us. Your word says “by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24); this is spiritual healing and physical healing. We look forward to the resurrection of the dead, which is an ultimate healing for all in Christ. Thank You for loving us so much that You have made a way to heal Your people. We believe Father!

We pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Arizona and Arkansas. We pray for Wayne and Jessica and the boys, as they continue to serve Your Kingdom in Surprise Arizona through “the Way” Church. Bless their efforts and protect them as they serve You Father.

We pray for the Administrative council of Grace Family Fellowship. Bethany Bullock, Bubba Smith, Danny Smith, Jeff Barbar and Kathy Stalls. Bless them with health and bless their families. Give them wisdom and guidance as the board of our church to work with the Pastor as they seek Your will LORD. Use them in mighty ways as they serve You Father.

God, protect and save Your people the Jews. May the land of Israel know peace and may their land never be divided or taken away. (Genesis 13:17)

Father, heal those that need a touch in their body. Heal those spiritually who are lost to be saved. Let Your Holy Spirit fill our lives with boldness and power to be Your witnesses. Fill our mouths, have our tongues, and control our lives LORD. Even when we do not know what to pray, pray through us sweet Spirit of God we pray, in Jesus Holy Name, Amen!

Day 2:

Jehovah Jireh: The LORD our provider (Genesis 22:14), we praise You today and thank you for all that you have done in our lives and for our lives and the many ways You have provided for us! You have blessed us in so many ways, especially by giving us Your Son Jesus as our redeemer, savior and LORD! Praise be Your name! 

Today we pray for the leaders, churches and Christians of Alabama and Alaska.

We pray that Christian leaders across America will seek Your heart Father for vision, wisdom and direction! 

We pray for our pastor, give him strength of mind, spiritual strength and physically keep him whole and healed. May he be the leader and shepherd You have called him to be. Use him in mighty ways in our church and communities. Bless his family Father. Make it easy for him to hear Your voice and follow Your lead in all areas.

We pray for those devastated by the storms and flooding. Provide for them, keep them safe, give them shelter and may all that has been lost be returned and rebuilt. Comfort those who have lost loved ones. And provide and strengthen those who are mobilized to reach out and help.

We pray for peace for Israel and the middle east.

We ask for Your guidance in the 2024 elections. May we vote and vote as close to biblical principles as possible. We desire Your perfect will to be done Father.

And use us! We are Your children, and we need Your presence, Your anointing, Your confidence, and Your Grace. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that leads us into all truth and teaches us daily to be more like You LORD and help us to be prepared for anything that life may bring. (John 16:13)

In Jesus mighty name!  Amen!

Day 1: 
Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. (Matthew 6:9-13)

May there be a great outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon America; that will bring revival and an awakening unlike anything we have seen before! We need You LORD!  (Joel 2:28)

We pray for the salvation of Israel. (Romans 10:1) Protect Your people, convict hearts, and save them. And may the scales fall off their eyes so they can see You as their Messiah and surrender to You as their Savior.   

Today we pray for Grace Family Fellowship and for Unity. May there be no divisions among us; but be perfectly united together in mind and thought as we seek the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 1:10)

And Father, even in this heated environment of this election year, we will not forsake praying for President Biden and Vice-president Harris, that their hearts would be guided by You Father, that their decisions would be wise and that their leadership would be principled. And protect the two candidates for president: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Keep them safe as they travel the nation.

Father, use me today. When I have the opportunity to be a blessing, may I act on it. Help me to be a godly example and influence for Christ. Help me to be the light You have called me to be. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen.