Apr '22

Easter Season 22
Apr '22

Join us tomorrow at 10:00AM for our Easter Celebration!!
Easter Season is during Spring…and Spring is a time where things are coming to life! JESUS BEGAN ALL LIFE! So it is fitting that we celebrate Jesus at the heart of this Season! MOST of all Jesus’ RESURRECTION!
1. JESUS died on a criminal’s cross, although He never sinned or did anything wrong!
2. JESUS willingly allowed Himself to be arrested and crucified. (John 10:17-18) Jesus said in Matthew 26:53 that His Father would have given Him charge over 12 Legions of angels if He had asked!
In the Roman world 1 Legion was 6,000 soldiers. Multiply 1 Legion of 6,000 by 12! Imagine 75,000 Angels storming Golgotha’s hill! It is safe to say that no one would have had a chance! But instead of saying Father wipe them off the face of the earth, Jesus said in Luke 23:34 “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”.
3. We believe that Jesus went to the place of the dead (Acts 2:31) and preached to them salvation (1 Peter 4:6). Jesus conquered hell by dying for our sins. He conquered death by Resurrecting, and the grave, by being the first fruits of the Resurrection, so we too could rise again one day (1 Corinthians 15:26; Revelation 1:18; 1 Corinthians 15:20-23). This is why we say that Jesus has the keys of death, hell and the grave!
3. We believe that Jesus went to the place of the dead (Acts 2:31) and preached to them salvation (1 Peter 4:6). Jesus conquered hell by dying for our sins. He conquered death by Resurrecting, and the grave, by being the first fruits of the Resurrection, so we too could rise again one day (1 Corinthians 15:26; Revelation 1:18; 1 Corinthians 15:20-23). This is why we say that Jesus has the keys of death, hell and the grave!
4. Jesus rose from the dead, taking back His life from death and once and for all breaking the power of sin over humanity! (Romans 6:10; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 John 2:2)
So we celebrate this season of life because JESUS is the RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE! (John 11:25)
He is ALIVE!! He deserves all honor and praise!!
At Grace Family Fellowship, Easter begins a new season for us as well! WE are actively working on getting our Ministries back on track after 2 years of a pandemic slowing down everyone. We are also making some changes. One of those will be to begin a monthly Newsletter, instead of a weekly bulletin.
Our members are free to submit entries to our Newsletter by emailing Our church secretary or if you hand write an article, you can hand that in as well. Our ministry leaders can put monthly announcements and updates in the news letter. There will also be a pastor’s blog. This will be made available in print at church, mailed to our shut-ins and published here on the website.