Week 1 – Lesson 1
Bible Gateway is a free website where you can read several different translations of the Holy Bible. You can even set them up parallel to each other if you so desire to compare translations. This is an excellent Bible Study tool.
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Once there, Click on the block that says “Select version(s)” to select NASB1995 OR WHATEVER TRANSLATION YOU PREFER.
Student Notes Outline Week 1 (Click on the link to open PDF File and you can print the outline):
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As we navigate through week one’s devotions and Bible Study, we are faced with many reminders of God’s unsearchable and unfathomable characteristics. Together, we are recapturing a healthy view and awe factor for God again. He is so Wonderful (Mysterious) and someONE who fills us with wonder.
Human history with God has gone from understanding His character, so glorious, in words etched in stone; to His character now being revealed in a new way that is so much greater – The Holy Spirit is giving us life and making us right with God! Through Christ, the more we see His glory, the more we are brought inline with GOD. 2 Corinthians 3:7-11 “The old way, with laws etched in stone, led to death, though it began with such glory that the people of Israel could not bear to look at Moses’ face. For his face shone with the glory of God, even though the brightness was already fading away. 8 Shouldn’t we expect far greater glory under the new way, now that the Holy Spirit is giving life? 9 If the old way, which brings condemnation, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new way, which makes us right with God! 10 In fact, that first glory was not glorious at all compared with the overwhelming glory of the new way. 11 So if the old way, which has been replaced, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new, which remains forever!”
Study Bible:
One thing I learned in my studies and that God has brought me in awe again with is: Exodus 20:5-6 Let me share with you the NLT Study Bible notes: “It is important to keep both sides of this equation together. God does not punish children for their parent’s sins. Rather, He is saying that our sins affect future generations of descendants. But He is also restricting the natural effects of those sins to three or four generations, while GRACIOUSLY EXTENDING the effects of obedience to a thousand generations.”
Wow, did you see that. God is so FAITHFUL in His character that He will limit the effect of sin on generations to come, but will EXTEND and keep pouring out–filling us up with blessings for obedience for 1,000 generations! HOW AMAZING IS OUR GOD!
Lesson Learned:
Okay, so we definitely need to AVOID being “practical agnostics” right? I never want to feel like studying God’s word, to get to Know Him better, is a failed effort! I don’t want to just “USE” God’s word for a Facebook quote or even just to get another sermon. Nor just draw from the same few scriptures that have given me an emotional response from the past (chill bumps etc…) I want a FRESH Word that reveals God! I can’t put Him under a microscope. I can’t calculate Him nor investigate Him…but I can LISTEN to see, hear and feel Him revealed! God gives a REVELATION of HIMSELF to those who want more of HIM.
What impressed me most about Week 1 in the book?
A completely NEW definition of Eternal Life from a different direction. I must admit, I have missed this before! Page 9 John 17:2-3 and 1 John 5:20
“Sin and obedience certainly affect humanity, but these do not GIVE to, nor take from, the essential majesty of God.” page 13
Question: Here is an easy one for many of you: After reading Acts 17:22, on Day 4 page 17, is the goal of our Bible Study, in Beholding our God, to become more religious?
Hey Pastor David.
Hi, sister Elaine. All our church family that are taking this Behold Your God journey with us can check back here and see resources to help them with their weekly study and even interact here with replies of what God is speaking to them. Also if you have any questions, feel free to post them here. Thank you.
I can’t wait to get started
Yes, I’m enjoying it already. I’m reading Psalm 104:27-30 now on Day 3 where it talks so literally about how God gives us our food; He shows us His face and we are uplifted or He hides His face and we panic or feel dismayed. God opens His hands and our needs are met. God gives us breath (spirit) and He takes breath (spirit) away. Glory to His name! All power belongs to Him.
Tonight’s Bible Study was awesome. I’m enjoying getting to know God all over again. I definitely want to shrink myself so I can see a bigger God! What an awesome God we have have. Thank you Pastor David for introducing us to behold your God.
Very good tonight Pastor David.
Great study, very good presentation, what an awesome God we serve