Youth Ministry

Anyone over 19 and that is saved and a member of the church can be a part of the youth staff or volunteer to help with youth. Parents are always welcome to be involved to work with our youth leaders. The requirements are being saved Church member and have a background check.

Greeter Ministry

Anyone that attends Grace Family Fellowship can become a part of this effective ministry. Ronald Gurganus is our Director of Greeters Ministry and could use individuals with a friendly smile and a love for God’s house.  

 Children Church Ministry

We are looking for adults who could be a part of our kids church teams. We have 3 teams of 2 individuals that serve kids church 3 weeks straight and have 6 weeks off. This rotation allows for the kids to enjoy each team and the teacher to still be able to get feeds God’s word. The requirements are being saved Church member and have a background check


There is always room to have extra people to be able to do media and sound.  Anyone who is above the age 16 for media and 18 for sound. See the pastor for more information.  

Music Ministry


Our choir is looking for individuals who are saved and members of the church, that can sing and would enjoy being apart of this Sunday morning ministry. See our choir Director Becky Lane for a choir member application. 
Praise Team 
Our praise team is made up of choir members who feel a calling to lead others into the presences of the LORD. We practice on scheduled Thursday evenings. See Bob Grimes Jr. if you are interested in being apart of the praise team.