2024 2025 New Theme Father Use Me


There are many purposes for living. Family, learning, career, ambition, relationships, and the joys of friendships, hobbies, sports, and so many other drives and motivations. But for a Christian, when our life was transformed by the power of God through Christ Jesus, we began to live for far more than anything this world or life can offer. We are called to a Holy Calling! A call to serve the Lord with our mind, body, and soul. None of us feel worthy to answer this call or to even be called! But He calls none the less. Blessed are those who answer that calling! 2 Timothy 1:9 “He has saved us and called us to a holy calling—not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time”.

God does not call you or me because we have proven ourselves or reached a level in life worthy of it; we are called because Jesus proved Himself. He is worthy and we are in Him

(2 Corinthians 5:17).  God specializes in taking broken and flawed people and using them for His glory. Look at all the characters in the Bible. Just about everyone of them are flawed and in some cases a pure mess! But God used them anyway. He still specializes in using people today just like you. As you seek God and His kingdom and His righteousness; you will be amazed at how God can take your life and do great and even miraculous things. Some of you have already experienced that joy, but some of you still question; “how can God use someone like me?” Please heed the word of the Lord! He has called you to a holy calling, and not because you did something to deserve it, but because He loves you and has grace sufficient enough to work through your life! Praise His name! 

I love the song:  “If You can use anything Lord, You can use me.”  Again, I’ll say it like this old cliché:  “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called!” When you make yourself available and let Him know you are willing to be used…watch out!  God will begin to do some amazing things. May your life be filled with all the blessing that bringing God Glory entails! For it is all for His glory!  Amen!

  • Pastor David Bryan

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